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Weight Gainer


Home Gym

High-quality home gym fitness equipment

Home gym is a good alternative to the fitness studio if you want to keep in shape. Not just because it is cheaper, but because it also saves a lot of time.

The only expenses you have are what you pay for the equipment; but they are quickly recouped if you use them for a few years. There are no opening hours when you are at home and you can train whenever you like. And there are no excuses such as bad weather. More reluctant athletes can quickly find motivation in their home gym, because the equipment is right in front of their noses. It doesn´t matter whether you do it while listening to music or watching TV, everyone has 30 minutes a day for a short training session. BODY ATTACK offers you the ideal training equipment for your individual home gym. Whether it is punching bags, training bars, push-up handles or accessories – create your own compact fitness studio to train independently whenever you like, to lose or to keep your weight, to maximise muscle growth and to tighten and add definition to your body.