Body Attack Sports Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG Body Attack GmbH&Co KG Contact Details:
Main address: Schnackenburgallee 217-223 22525 Hamburg, Germany
Tel:+49 (0)40 / 4600360 - 0, Fax:+49 (0)40 / 4600360 - 99, E-mail:
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Pre-Workout Shakes

Pre-workout products for effective training

Athletes always have higher energy and nutrient requirements, set in motion by the muscular strain. Muscular strain taps into the energy reserves in the muscles; premature fatigue or a sharp dip in performance may ensue if the carbohydrate intake is insufficient. Carbohydrate deficit may even place a burden on the muscle proteins; this means that proteins are converted into sugar and are then available to the energy metabolism. The Pre-Workout Shakes by BODY ATTACK provide a broad range of nutrients for scheduled training, among them: Would you like to find out more about Pre-Workout Shakes?
Feel free to give us a call on +49 (0)40 / 4600360 - 77 or use the chat function!!