Body Attack Sports Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG Body Attack GmbH&Co KG Contact Details:
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Protein Aromas

A whole string of protein aromas for delicious shakes

Always the same flavour for protein shakes? How boring! Protein aromas such as the My Flavouring System by MySupps are a treat for the taste buds and offer a huge amount of variety. Whatever you fancy or are looking for you can transform a neutral-tasting protein into a vanilla shake – or a strawberry shake, a caramel-toffee shake, a cookie shake and much, much more.

But the aroma powders have far more to offer than as simple ingredients in all kinds of differently flavoured shakes – they can also be used to bake or to refine products such as low-fat quark, yoghurt and milk. To make sure you serve a different taste experience every day.