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Body Attack Extreme Whey Deluxe - 500g Body Attack

1x Body Attack Extreme Whey Deluxe - 500g

The Body Attack Extreme Whey Deluxe is a multi-whey protein, which may contribute to muscle maintenance and growth. Body Attack Extreme Whey Deluxe - 500g
1 5 5.0 1
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Body Attack

Extreme Whey Deluxe 500g

1 Bewertungen

Kölner Liste/ Cologn List
  • With Triple-Whey Complex
  • With innovative DigeZyme®
  • High protein content

Fragen zum Produkt? Fragen zum Produkt? Kontaktiere uns!

22,99 €
Lieferfrist 1-3 Werktage innerhalb Deutschlands.
0,500 kg (45,98 €/kg)
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

In den Warenkorb

Rich in protein Icon
Rich in protein
Low in fat Icon
Low in fat
Low in sugar Icon
Low in sugar
CFM Icon
Made in Germany Icon
Made in Germany


Strong protein powder for muscle deluxe! Your body needs something special: our high-quality WheyProtein from over 12 years of development. The Triple-Whey formula provides you with the strong combination of 84% protein with excellent nutritional value. Faster, more efficient, better! The addition of DigeZyme® ensures a significantly faster absorption of nutrients and the best possible biocompatibility. The whole nutrient combination is of course aspartame-free, low sugar and low fat. Nine flavours transform your water or milk into a creamy Whey Protein shake - which also tastes great to your muscles.


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