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Whey Proteins

Whey protein supports efficient muscle growth

Fast, faster, whey protein. Whey protein is natures fastest protein. Like all proteins, whey protein is made up of a series of amino acids.

But in terms of its quantity and composition whey protein is set apart from other proteins; the body is therefore able to absorb it particularly quickly, making it available to support muscle growth.

Its rapid absorption means that whey protein is good to take immediately before and after training. Whey proteins not only support the growth of muscle mass, they also support the preservation of existing muscles and normal bones.

The most important benefits of BODY ATTACK whey proteins at a glance: Would you like to find out more about whey protein?
Feel free to give us a call on +49 (0)40 / 4600360 - 77 or use the chat function!!

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What is Whey Protein?

Whey Protein is a concentrated Whey Protein, derived from milk or rather from whey. This protein is not available in its form in nature. We distinguish three forms of Whey Protein, which are produced by different manufacturing processes.

Different forms of Whey Protein
Whey Protein as sports nutrition

Whey Protein is an anabolic protein and it promotes the rapid build up of protein in the body. Thus it is very well suited to grow muscles, as protein is the building block for muscles. Furthermore Whey Protein has a very high biological value therefore it can be absorbed optimally by the body. Whey Protein consists of important amino acids like Glutamine and BCAAs.

Whey Protein is best taken – e.g. as a shake – before and after working out, in order to supply your muscles optimally with energy. Due to Whey Protein being easily digested and absorbed quickly by the body, one neither gets bloating nor even indigestion.

8 Protein tips

Protein is helpfull for every athlete who wants to grow muscle. The protein intake of bodybuilders can vary between 1,5- 3g per kilogram body weight per day. How much protein do I need and what is right for me?

Here are 8 protein tips for you:

1. Your protein requirement
The protein intake varies depending on body weight and intensity of your workout. Amateur athletes require 0.8-1g of proteins per kilogram body weight whereas endurance athletes already require 1.5g of proteins per kilogram body weight. Strength athletes require even 2g of proteins per kilogram body weight.

2. Use of food proteins
Take advantage from proteins from your daily diet. Especially lean meats like chicken, turkey or beef are good protein sources and are useful to build muscles. Within a definition phase, low fat meats like chicken, turkey or tuna should be preferred. and cheese supply lots of proteins. If time is an issue for you but you still want to ensure a regular protein intake, a supplementation with protein powder is recommended.

3. Complement your protein intake
There are several types of proteins with which you can increase your protein intake. Whey (e.g. Extreme Whey Deluxe) is a very fast protein with an extremely high content of Glutamine and BCAAs. It is particularly recommended after working out, as the amino acids are absorbed by the body very fast. Many athletes prefer Whey in their definition phase, because it is low in fat and carbohydrates.

Milk protein (e.g. 100% Casein or Power Protein 90) is absorbed more slowly by the body. It is recommended to take it especially in the evenings, because it provides the body with amino acids over a longer period of time. It makes also a good meal replacement while dieting as it saturates well. Soy protein (e.g. Soy Shake) is a high quality, vegetable protein with a gut biological value. It is free from Lactose, Gluten und Cholesterol. Egg protein (e.g. 100% Egg Amino) is an ideal protein for competition and it is recommended to be taken especially in the definition phase, because it is low in fat and carbohydrates.

4. The value of proteins
Different types of protein have different values. These indicate how much of the food protein can be converted into endogenous Proteins. A Whey Concentrate has a Protein content of 75-85%. A Whey Isolate has a Protein content of 90-95%. Combined protein components like Whey, Milk and Egg can achieve a high biological value.

5. Take in proteins distributed throughout the day
Provide your body throughout the day with amino acids. In order to do it is recommended to spread 5-6 meals over the course of a day. If you weigh 80kg, for example, and you have e requirement of 120g, you need to take in 20g Proteins per meal.

6. A fast protein after working out
Up to two hours after exercise, the body is most receptive for nutrients. This time frame is also called anabolic window. It is essential to provide the body with nutrients within this time. Otherwise Protein degradation takes place in the muscles if the body loses energy through training and if it is not replenished. In order to prevent this process one should take Whey protein (e.g. Extreme Whey Deluxe). It is particularly fast absorbed and provides a high content of Glutamine and BCAAs.

7. A slow protein before sleeping
A slow milk protein can supply the body with amino acids throughout the night. Especially when it is not possible to eat regularly, Milk protein (e.g. 100% Casein or Power Protein 90) can prevent the breakdown of muscle protein.

8. Drink plenty
The higher the physical strain and the more Proteins are taken, the higher the fluid intake should be. The body needs at least 1g of water per kilocalorie of energy consumption (3000kcal per day require at least 3l of fluid). On top you have to consider loss of fluid through sweat. You also have to balance a high intake of carbohydrates with an increased intake of fluid, since 1g of carbohydrates bind 3g of water.