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Weight Gainer



Vitamins with anti-oxidative properties

Anti-oxidant is a term used to describe a variety of substances that prevent other substances from oxidising (reacting with oxygen). Oxidative stress and hence free radicals are produced above all by environmental pollutants, medication, alcohol, pesticides, smoking, stress and such like and can suppress the effects of free radicals. Whether it is vitamins, secondary vegetable substances, minerals or synthetic anti-oxidants – all of them protect the cells in our bodies from destruction due to oxidative stress.

Vitamins are not just a great help during sport, they also protect our bodies when it is a question of using their anti-oxidative properties. Vitamin E or ascorbic acid for instance contribute to the protection of cells against oxidative stress. Furthermore ascorbic acid can add to the normal functions of our immune system during and after intense physical exertion. This is why vitamin preparations are so popular among athletes. The preparations may have different compositions, depending on the areas in which they are used.