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Biotona Curcuma raw powder - 200g Biotona

1x Biotona Curcuma raw powder - 200g

The Biotona Curcuma Raw Powder to strengthen the natural resistance and protect the cells from harmful free radicals. Biotona Curcuma raw powder - 200g
Euro New InStock 2024-07-17
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Curcuma raw powder 200g

Biotona Curcuma raw powder - 200g
  • Strengthens natural resistance
  • Contributes to joint health
  • 100% organic

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11,99 €
Lieferfrist 1-3 Werktage innerhalb Deutschlands.
0,200 kg (59,95 €/kg)
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt., zzgl. VersandkostenÖko-Kennzeichen: DE-ÖKO-009

In den Warenkorb

Rich in fiber Icon
Rich in fiber
Organic quality seal Icon
Organic quality seal
Lactose-reduced Icon
Without pork Icon
Without pork
Vegetarian Icon
Low in sugar Icon
Low in sugar
Aspartame-free Icon
Without aroma Icon
Without aroma
Without preservatives Icon
Without preservatives


The new Biotona Curcuma Raw Powder is here. Turmeric is a species of plant within the ginger family. The well-known yellow-orange turmeric powder is obtained from this turmeric plant. The root of Curcuma longa is not only a well-known spice, it also contributes to the flexibility and health of the joints. It is also good for the liver (supports fat digestion) and for maintaining healthy skin and a healthy nervous system. It also promotes natural resistance and protects our cells from harmful free radicals. The turmeric roots for Biotona Bio Curcuma Roh are 100% organically grown and dried immediately after harvesting and processed into a powder that comes very close in taste, smell and color to the fresh root. This type of drying also ensures that the naturally contained nutrients and phytonutrients are optimally preserved.


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