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Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate by BODY ATTACK

Magnesium citrate as a liquid or shot is particularly easy to take and ideal for athletes wishing to supplement their nutrition with high-quality magnesium when on the go. One shot contains 250 mg of liquid magnesium while one daily portion of the liquid (2 x 15 ml) contains 450 mg of magnesium.

Magnesium plays a part in many different processes within the body and has a whole range of positive effects: Magnesium contributes to cutting tiredness and fatigue, to maintaining the electrolyte balance, to normal energy metabolism, normal functions of the nerve system and the muscles and also to normal protein synthesis. Additionally, magnesium helps preserve normal bones and teeth. Given that it has many different properties a possible dietary supplement of magnesium citrate is interesting for more people than just athletes.