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Weight Gainer



Ultimate Nutrition Iso Mass X. Gainer - 4520g
  • Weight Gainer for building muscle
  • with creatine
  • with amino acids

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In den Warenkorb

Without pork Icon
Without pork
Rich in protein Icon
Rich in protein
Vegetarian Icon
Aspartame-free Icon


When it comes to weight training, athletes need one thing above all: a lot of energy. It is often not easy to meet this great need for energy with normal food. Because with bodybuilders and amateurs in weight training, the basal metabolic rate is significantly increased, after all, significantly more muscle mass must be supplied. If you are looking for a supplement to your normal diet, products like Ultimate Nutrition Iso Gainer are available. This is a mixture of numerous important nutrients that can prevent an under-supply of the athlete. It contains about 72 g of protein, which u. a. composed of whey protein isolate, milk protein isolate and egg protein isolate . This is a particularly diverse composition of proteins, so that a wide range of amino acids can be covered. The amino acids play an important role in many metabolic processes and are vital for humans. The preparation contains a total of 550 mg of amino acids, such as L-valine, L-leucine and L-isoleucine . One pack of Iso Gainer contains a total of 4,520 g.


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